Known Luppa property owners

Known Luppa property owners

After parcelling in 1932, he soon discovered this particular island with a sophisticated audience and a number of well-known people bought a holiday home here. There was a plot here for Antal Páger, a playwright, his house Lajos Kozma architect (the Bauhaus-style lupai holiday is an architectural curiosity and has created a fashion on the island) Molnar-C. Paul’s painter (the returning theme of art on the balcony, the art of the lupai Venus),
Péter Bacsó director (his first film, 1964 “Summer Simple”), György Litván historian, Walter Rózsi opera singer, Imre Csécsy, bourgeois radical writer, Béla Krisztinkovich collector, András Román a monument protection specialist. One of the most famous of these is Paul Schmitt’s Olympic champion duo watch and was President of the Republic, his wife Katalin Makray, Olympic silver medalist, Ági Margitai Kossuth and Jászai Maridíjas actress, Tibor Tatai Olympic Champion Ken.


Peter Bacsó Filmmaker
Molnár C. Pál Selfportrait 1917
Tibor Tatai canoe, winner olimpic games
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